Return Policy

We hope you love what you've ordered! But just in case you're not 100% satisfied with the items you received, we gladly accept returns within 30 days of delivery for most items in new condition. Please note that the shipping fee must be covered by the customer, unless the original products are defective.

Return Procedure
  • Step 1: Please contact Customer Service, indicating the item(s) you would like to return, the order ID, the reason you'd like to return it, and a photo of the item in its current state. If there are quality issues, please provide images of the exact faulty parts of said items and the tag (including the QC sticker).
  • Step 2: Please mail back your item(s) according to return instructions from our service team
  • Step 3: Within 3-5 days after our warehouse has received your item(s) and approved your request, the corresponding refund will be issued according to your communication with our service team to the original payment account or credit card

Return Conditions

  • You have 30 days to decide if an item is right for you, if you would like to return the item please contact us within 30 days of delivery.
  • Item is in good shape, unused, unworn, and contains all its parts with their original tags/package.
  • Free gifts must be in good shape, unused, unworn, and returned at once.
  • We won't accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without contacting with us first.
  • Free gifts cannot be returned if lost or used, or its price must be deducted.
  • The original shipping fee and Shipping Guarantee are non-refundable.

Note: the below conditions are not quality issues:

  • Loose threads, raw edges, thickness, touch, and differences in color due to differences in monitor display do not constitute quality issues
  • Returns due to dissatisfaction in style, color, and changes in personal preference do not constitute quality issues
  • Damages due to use, wash, care, improper maintenance, self-repair, modifications, or other human factors do not constitute quality issues
  • Defective goods that have been clearly indicated at the time of purchase do not constitute quality issues and are not accepted for returns
  • Please refer to our sizing chart for final decision on your purchase, as our service team can only offer our recommendations. Returns due to sizing issues do not constitute quality issues.
  • Due to differences in design and style between items, there may be slight differences to different items with the same size. Please refer to actual measurements.

Return Address

Please contact Customer Service, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason.
If there are quality issues, please provide images of said item(s).(

After receiving a confirmation email from our Customer Service Team
We handle all returns-related customer service matters within 24 hours.
Do not send returned items to the sender's address from the package you received. We will not accept any returns without you contacting us first.
If you have not received your refund within 30 days of shipping out your returned product, please contact us ASAP.